Maano a Kholiso ea 'Maraka ea Mohatisi oa Receipt ea Lefatše ka Bophara, Tlhahlobo ea ho Reka le ho Romela kantle ho naha le Selelekela sa 2022-2028. E Fana ka Lipatlisiso tsa Maraka e Itšetlehileng ka 'Maraka oa Mohatisi oa Receipt oa Global Wireless Receipt ho tloha 2022 ho ea 2028. Tlaleho e fana ka setšoantšo sa khoebo se nepahetseng le se tsoetseng pele.E fana ka lintlha tsa bohlokoa ka likarolo tse fapaneng tse amang motsamao oa eona ka lipatlisiso tse khutšoane le lintlha tse nepahetseng, e tla thusa libapali kapa balekane ho tseba thekenoloji e ntle ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa ntlafatso le ho nka monyetla ka menyetla e eketsehileng e tlang 'Marakang ona oa Printer Receipt Wireless.
maemo a joalo ka theko ea sehlahisoa, tlhahiso, tšebeliso/kamohelo, ho reka kantle ho naha, ho kenella, taolo, boqapi, tsoelo-pele ea theknoloji, tlhokahalo linaheng tse itseng, tlhokeho ea litšebeliso tse itseng, maemo a moruo, ho phahama ha theko ea lintho, lintlha tsa molao, lintlha tsa nalane, le Calibrate. meralo ea taolo ea ho hakanya le ho bolela esale pele boholo ba mmaraka.
Tlaleho e qala ka ho theha Mohatisi oa Receipt ea Wireless ka ho sheba litlhaloso, lihlopha le lichate tsa 'maraka. Kutloisiso e eketsehileng ea litšobotsi tsa sehlahisoa, mokhatlo oa pōpo, mekhoa ea tlhahiso, le moralo oa litšenyehelo ke tsa bohlokoa haholo ho ananela tataiso ea kaho ea indasteri le ho tšoara senotlolo sa ho khanna. matla a tsoelo-pele ea indasteri.
Sena se susumetsa tlhahlobo e eketsehileng ea likarolo tsa 'maraka, khotheishene le likhopolo-taba tsa tefo, le likarolo tse kotsing ea ho ama liphetoho leha e le life.Tlhahlobo e arotsoe ka sebaka, mofuta, kopo ho utloisisa ka nepo likarolo tsa' maraka oa khatiso oa lirisiti tsa waelese.
Fumana tlaleho e felletseng:
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Nako ea poso: Mar-16-2022